In the event that a man is faithful to only one sexual partner or uses a condom during intercourse, then there are no color changes and additional inclusions in the composition of the fluid. Only a white light shade is possible.

They appear only with libido-related stimulation. The secretion of clear mucus is intended to lubricate the urethra and improve the passage of sperm. The amount of secretion ranges from scanty to abundant, these parameters are related to the individual characteristics of the organism and the frequency of sexual activity. After prolonged abstinence, the volume of secretions increases.
It usually occurs in the morning when testosterone levels rise. It depends on age and the intensity of sexual activity: it occurs in boys during puberty, in adult men - with irregular or rare sexual intercourse.
Discharge from the urethra in men: the norm, a sign of illness
The release of a clear liquid can be noted only with significant stimulation. This can be facilitated by thoughts of intercourse, masturbation, or the touch of a woman. In general, a phenomenon such as transparent discharge from the penis, a man can notice during an erection.
Their consistency can be both liquid and thick. The type and nature of such secretions is determined by the causative agent of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory process, the state of human immunity and the presence of other diseases. Therefore, it is impossible to make a diagnosis, guided solely by the study of the appearance of genital secretions.
Excessive addition to food: mustard, vinegar, sauerkraut, beer with preservatives can also cause unpleasant irritation of the urethra.
It usually develops in the context of suppression of the immune system after a course of antibiotics, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Sexual transmission of candidiasis in men is rare.
Which discharge during stimulation is considered the norm and which should warn
The curdled consistency, white color and smell of kefir indicate a fungal disease Candidiasis, also known as thrush.
If the amount, density or color of the discharge changes, if an unpleasant odor appears, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo tests. It is not worth doing self-diagnosis, it is very difficult to correctly recognize the disease from only one symptom.
Wet dreams - involuntary ejaculation, usually during sleep, occurring in puberty or in men who have been abstinent for a long time.
Male lubricant, when stimulated, performs two main functions:
- Soft and free entry of the penis into the woman's vagina during sexual intercourse - protection of the glans penis from microtraumas.
- Increasing the probability of conception - preseminal fluid reduces the acidity of the vaginal environment. Upon entering the acidic environment of the vagina during ejaculation, most of the sperm die or lose the motility needed to reach the egg and fertilize it. Pre-ejaculation protects sperm from external conditions that threaten their viability, thus ensuring the safety of male germ cells. In addition, the mucus helps eliminate uric acid that accumulates after urination from the walls of the urethra.
Clear discharge during arousal in men - norms and deviations
Thus, it is safe to say that erectile secretions are an important mechanism of the male reproductive system. However, representatives of the stronger sex should carefully monitor how the fluid looks. If it turns yellow, green or blood impurities appear in it, this indicates serious problems and an urgent need to visit a doctor.
Due to the presence of lubrication, comfortable penetration of the penis into the vagina is ensured. During ovulation, the composition of the vaginal discharge changes to make conception possible. The function of this secret is to neutralize the acidic environment in the urethra, which is caused by urine. The vagina is also acidic, due to the ingestion of the pre-ejaculate, the environment changes to alkaline, which contributes to the survival of spermatozoa. Another function is the role of lubrication during intimacy.
Perhaps the development of phimosis - a disease in which it is not possible to completely separate the head from the foreskin. Without timely treatment, this can lead to chronic inflammatory processes and the development of oncological diseases of the genital organ.
Strong secretions in men when aroused
To prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory pathologies, it is necessary to carefully observe intimate hygiene, wash the penis twice a day with running water and use clean underwear.
After this time you should immediately seek medical help so as not to miss the period when it is still possible to use various modern reproductive technologies.
The bulbourethral glands secrete a secretion that hydrates the urethra, maintains an alkaline environment, and is a favorable environment for spermatozoa to live while passing through the urethra.
The established view that the cause of infertility always lies with the woman is not relevant today. According to statistics, in the general structure, this weight is distributed almost equally between men and women. Therefore, in case of problems with conception, both should be considered.
The bulbourethral glands secrete a secretion that hydrates the urethra, maintains an alkaline environment, and is a favorable environment for spermatozoa to live while passing through the urethra.
Men, like women, are very vulnerable to diseases of the genital area and therefore must also carefully monitor their well-being, paying special attention to the discharge from the urethra at the time of sexual arousal. Since in this state a secret begins to appear from a member, by the nature of which one can judge the health of men.
Importance to the conception process
Zinc is a very important element: it increases the number of male cells, increases stamina (found in seafood, cereals, eggs, Brazil nuts, duck meat and turkey).
There can be many reasons that can lead to the appearance of suspicious discharge. This includes infectious diseases, fungal infections, and even malnutrition. The most dangerous are: chlamydia, trichomonas, gonorrhea, candidiasis and mycoplasmosis. All of these can cause atypical discharge from the male genitalia, which will intensify during arousal.
This fluid plays an important role in the expansion of the human race. Since an acidic environment dominates the female genital organ and sperm, passing through these acids, lose their chances of survival and reaching their main goal, pre-ejaculation neutralizes the acid of the vagina, thus contributing to successful conception.
In medical forums, no one can really explain the nature of such a discharge, and many users advise to visit a clinic and get tested.
Rejection from the male reproductive system
At its beginning, there is very little mucus, it is transparent in color and rather watery. Its function at this stage is the barrier it forms in the cervical canal (the so-called cervical plug), which prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus.
Especially for a woman, every year is priceless, so you should seek medical help at the first question. Only in this way will she be able to take advantage of all the possibilities of modern medicine and feel the joy of motherhood.
Natural causes of urethral discharge in men:
- Residual urine. Mostly light yellow, sometimes saturated color. The discharge is odorless and without cheesy formations.
- Secret of the protector. It has a sperm smell. It is characterized by a mucous consistency of a light - white shade.
- Exclaim. This fluid is formed as a result of the mixing of spermine with the secretions of the glands of the genitourinary system, namely:
The volume of secretions depends on the individual physiological properties of each specific organism. It can be both abundant and insignificant. The longer the period of sexual abstinence, the more fluids are released.
It is important to understand that it is impossible to independently determine the diagnosis from the nature of the rejection. This requires proper, professional consideration. The nature of the secreted fluid depends largely on the immune system and directly on the nature of the pathogen. In addition, the form of the inflammatory process (acute or chronic) plays a special role.
However, not everyone knows what is released during arousal between the representatives of the stronger sex. Men can produce not only seminal fluid during sex, but also a special lubricant that facilitates the gliding of the penis during friction.
In venereal diseases, combined infections, which combine several pathogens at once, are often observed.
To avoid unwanted pregnancy, experts recommend using condoms or other means of contraception.
To identify a problem, it is enough to pass the seminal fluid for analysis. A spermogram will give an idea about the involvement of a man in infertility in a couple.
If a sticky transparent secret begins to be released through the urethra, a thick consistency that exudes an unpleasant odor, then this indicates the development of infectious diseases that are transmitted directly through sexual contact. Additional signs of their presence are itching, redness of the head of the penis and the appearance of a rash on it.
The release of fluid at the time of sexual arousal is a physiological process designed to facilitate the entry of the penis into the female vagina during sexual intercourse. Pre-ejaculation also reduces the acidity of the vagina, which is necessary for the sperm to maintain activity and the ability to fertilize the egg.
Great! Cancer is a dangerous disease that can be fatal. And therefore, it is impossible to delay his treatment under any circumstances. Most often, its development in men occurs in the context of a formed adenoma of the prostate, which did not respond to adequate treatment.
There is a myth that a woman can get pregnant from a discharge from a man's penis. The fact is that there is no sperm in the composition of the lubricant, but it may be present if there was sexual intercourse without contraception, within a few hours after masturbation or after previous sexual intercourse.
The number of distributions may vary. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. Some representatives of the stronger sex can secrete a lot of mucus, while others do not notice this phenomenon at all.
These allocations may also change due to other factors. Transferred stress and diseases in the legs, hormonal imbalance, taking drugs, including hormones, antibiotics, allergic reactions, infectious diseases and gynecological diseases can change the description of the mucus secreted during sex.
The release of a clear liquid in the absence of an erection is one of the symptoms of pathology, the causative agent of which is streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli. A similar situation is observed when infected with sexually transmitted infections. In such cases, note:
- Hyperemia of the external reproductive organs.
- Sensation of itching in the penis and scrotum.
- Swelling of the lower extremities.
Semen. It has a mucous consistency and white color, does not differ in a specific smell and begins to stand out from the urethra only at the peak of arousal. It contains a high percentage of motile spermatozoa and a secret produced by the gonads.
There is idiopathic infertility, in which a complete examination of neither man nor woman reveals obvious causes. In the general structure of pathology, such cases occur in 10% of couples with conception problems.